Business Registration

Processes leading to the registration of business at Obuasi Municipal Assembly


Before acquiring business registration certificate from Obuasi Municipal Assembly, the following process must be followed:

  1. The owner of the business has to first write Application letter, address to the Municipal Chief Executive of the Assembly stating the type of business and location to operate.
  2. After some weeks, the applicant would be inform by the Revenue Unit of the Assembly to submit Register General’s Certificate for Business
  3. After, the applicant will be given a form to fill the following fields;
    • Name of the Firm/Business
    • Name of Proprietor
    • Business Address
    • Business Type
    • Location of Business

After, the applicant would be ask to pay a fee, depending on the category of business the business belongs.

After the payment, all the necessary documents including payment receipt and unsigned certificate would be forward to the Municipal Chief Executive for perusal and signing.